
Friday, June 29, 2007

The one where its more than meets the eye... TRANSFORM!!!

"Transformers, Robots in disguise..."
"Transformers, its more than meets the eye..."
(Don't you just love the line and how it goes...)

I can't believe, I have finally watched the mother of all robot movies... It is every grown men's childhood memories. When we talk abt any robot cartoons, TRANSFORMERS will definitely be at the top of the list.

I got to be honest. I didn't even know that they are making the movie until early this year when Kev suddenly told me he saw the poster on Apple website. I was like WTF!!! (Wat The Fuck). Its actually kind of great that Hollywood bigshots are bringing all the early greats back to life... Shows that we missed, shows that grew up with us, shows that brought us great memories of how the days were still so simple and nonsense-free... I am anticipating which early greats they are bringing back next... MASK? CAPTAIN PLANET? MY LITTLE PONIES?...

I loves My Little Ponies...... ok TMI (Too Much Info)

But unfortunately, sometimes they spoil the whole experience for us... like TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) It was quite the disaster the movie.

Okok back to the topic of the day... the battle between the good and evil, the battle between Optimus Prime and newly dressed, oddly refurbished Megatron. (Dun worry, I am not going to spill the beans of the movie, I m not a spoiler you knw) Maybe as usual I was overly expecting it to be great hence there was some disappointment but still the experience was great. I wont tell you which AUTOBOT and which DECEPTICON made their screen debut but I am sure you will love the forever bubbly BUBBLEBEE.

Oh!!! Also JOSH DUHAMEL aka Las Vegas guy... Yum! Yum! with a capital Y ... He is so sexy in this film... Army gear throughout the whole film... wat can you ask for more...... topless ... too good to be true. I can't wait to see more of him.

I can't believe it. It has came and gone, I have watched it and I wish for some more. I hope Micheal Bay and Steven Spielberg make this a sequel or a trilogy or watever they want. As it would be a shame to stop here. For now, I can only savour the moment when Optimus says this beautiful line... "Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!!!" Cool!!!

sign out.


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