The one with the long journey ahead
Wow... with a blink of an eye, I have almost finished my training. Moreover, I just finished my last training flight to New Dehli. All the hard work has finally come to an end and a new chapter is beginning... I am worried again.
3 months just rushed pass, Nov... Dev... Jan... Feb... soon, I will be attending my graduation again. Only this time, I am stepping into a new career... FLYING
There has been ups and downs both in sch and outside sch. And let me tell you, being the chairman of a class of "ADULTS" is not easy AT ALL!!! Alot of BS is in play, making sure everyone is happy and satisfied. If I can achieved this, I am sure to do well in the future... Hehehe.
Let me just run through some of the things that had happened briefly...
For the past few months, everybody has been pressured to do well in class and not much socialising with love ones has happened hence, there were some unhappy moments which I shall not mention anymore... Moving on, although pressurizing in class, we still managed to fool around once in a while. Through this process, I made some really good friends and may I say, friends that will last a lifetime... but of cos I won't bore with you all the sweet secrets, here are some of the juicy gossips...
I came in to this training with a friend, whom I thought I could depend and trust, but soon, I felt his fakeness towards others and he also started bcoming fake towards the trainers as well. Initially, I thought I was just being paranoid until one by one, everyone in the class started to tell me unhappy incidents associated with him. Things like he wasnt a gentleman when sharing a cab with some girls back home, he wouldnt allow one of the girls to drop near her place bcos it would cost more and he would expect you to pay every last cent of the share. He bugged the class so much, soon everyone was outcasting him and no one liked him at all... Basically he was only trying to earn the 'best trainee' of the batch. Also by the way, he is gay and usually, gays hang out with girls easily. Guess I was wrong. He was so heavily hated... OUCH!!
Thats the number 1 enemy of the class.
Lets now go to number 2...
This time, he is a straight man, he is tall, big build and... erm... thats about it. Basically, he is one big block of wastage/wood...
I have my reasons. Not only was I paired up with him for my training flights (we hav to travel in pairs for our training flights and basically, we hav to stay in the same room), he is comparable to the number 1 enemy... He is actually the straight version of the gay guy. As irritating as the first as well in their freaking Kiasuness to try to be the best trainee of the batch. It should come from the heart damn it... There were others which is much more deserving... Well, we shall see come 13 Feb... Another sickening factor about him is that, he looks like a CheeKoPek and coincidentally, he is one... a HUGE one in fact.
Now come the exciting part where I got to partner with the No. 2.
There were a total of 4 training flights that we had to go through together. When we went Narita for our first flight, his CheeKoPekness come abt and I thought I was being nice and I warned him abt it... All I got back was...
"Yes I knw... but I can't help it"
Fine, from then onwards, I let him be... go ahead and be a CheeKoPek, I wonder how long will he last. Truth enough, for the next few flights, all the feedbacks from crew were not entirely positive... Mostly girls just don't find him comfortable to be around with... Hahaha
The final and most despicable thing that he did was...
There was once where the whole class was having a computer test and the test questions can be found in the website but retrieving it questions by questions takes some time and paitence. A few of the batchmates took the effort to compile it and sent it to everyone in the class. Later wat no. 2 did was, he sent those questions out to the senior crews who need it and basically told them it was his doing... WAT THE FUCK!!!
I was so mad and I have yet to mention to the whole class wat he did...
if they only knew...
Alrite... I becoming tired n sleepy... Its already 735am and I still havent sleep yet... Just came back from flight mah...
I will continue later...
sign out.
3 months just rushed pass, Nov... Dev... Jan... Feb... soon, I will be attending my graduation again. Only this time, I am stepping into a new career... FLYING
There has been ups and downs both in sch and outside sch. And let me tell you, being the chairman of a class of "ADULTS" is not easy AT ALL!!! Alot of BS is in play, making sure everyone is happy and satisfied. If I can achieved this, I am sure to do well in the future... Hehehe.
Let me just run through some of the things that had happened briefly...
For the past few months, everybody has been pressured to do well in class and not much socialising with love ones has happened hence, there were some unhappy moments which I shall not mention anymore... Moving on, although pressurizing in class, we still managed to fool around once in a while. Through this process, I made some really good friends and may I say, friends that will last a lifetime... but of cos I won't bore with you all the sweet secrets, here are some of the juicy gossips...
I came in to this training with a friend, whom I thought I could depend and trust, but soon, I felt his fakeness towards others and he also started bcoming fake towards the trainers as well. Initially, I thought I was just being paranoid until one by one, everyone in the class started to tell me unhappy incidents associated with him. Things like he wasnt a gentleman when sharing a cab with some girls back home, he wouldnt allow one of the girls to drop near her place bcos it would cost more and he would expect you to pay every last cent of the share. He bugged the class so much, soon everyone was outcasting him and no one liked him at all... Basically he was only trying to earn the 'best trainee' of the batch. Also by the way, he is gay and usually, gays hang out with girls easily. Guess I was wrong. He was so heavily hated... OUCH!!
Thats the number 1 enemy of the class.
Lets now go to number 2...
This time, he is a straight man, he is tall, big build and... erm... thats about it. Basically, he is one big block of wastage/wood...
I have my reasons. Not only was I paired up with him for my training flights (we hav to travel in pairs for our training flights and basically, we hav to stay in the same room), he is comparable to the number 1 enemy... He is actually the straight version of the gay guy. As irritating as the first as well in their freaking Kiasuness to try to be the best trainee of the batch. It should come from the heart damn it... There were others which is much more deserving... Well, we shall see come 13 Feb... Another sickening factor about him is that, he looks like a CheeKoPek and coincidentally, he is one... a HUGE one in fact.
Now come the exciting part where I got to partner with the No. 2.
There were a total of 4 training flights that we had to go through together. When we went Narita for our first flight, his CheeKoPekness come abt and I thought I was being nice and I warned him abt it... All I got back was...
"Yes I knw... but I can't help it"
Fine, from then onwards, I let him be... go ahead and be a CheeKoPek, I wonder how long will he last. Truth enough, for the next few flights, all the feedbacks from crew were not entirely positive... Mostly girls just don't find him comfortable to be around with... Hahaha
The final and most despicable thing that he did was...
There was once where the whole class was having a computer test and the test questions can be found in the website but retrieving it questions by questions takes some time and paitence. A few of the batchmates took the effort to compile it and sent it to everyone in the class. Later wat no. 2 did was, he sent those questions out to the senior crews who need it and basically told them it was his doing... WAT THE FUCK!!!
I was so mad and I have yet to mention to the whole class wat he did...
if they only knew...
Alrite... I becoming tired n sleepy... Its already 735am and I still havent sleep yet... Just came back from flight mah...
I will continue later...
sign out.
At 6:55 PM,
qwerty said…
Happy Vday! =)
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