The one with my virgin trip to... London.
I always heard abt the downside of flying which is working with assholes and always thot that it won't happen to me... well I guess its my luck then, not only to meet one, also having him as my complex leader and not only that, I happen to be on check on this flight and the worst thing I had him breathing down on me constantly and I fumble so many times....!
London is really a beautiful place... Kev asked his good friend Martin to bring me ard. Its my first time going to so many museum in one day. I don't mean that I didnt enjoy myself. I was so fasinated with the art works on display, like the portray of Sir Stamford Raffles which we always see on our History textbooks actually originated from here. Oh I even saw the art works from the Leonardo's "The Virgin of the Rocks"... it is just simply breathless to see it personally.
Wat else can go wrong I thot... every god damn mins, he has to open his F**king mouth and start to zap me in anyway he can. He even wanted to blame me for something I didnt even do and only bcame nicer when someone higher than him appeared. Anyway... enough of that ass... he dun deserve mentioning more on my precious time.
London is really a beautiful place... Kev asked his good friend Martin to bring me ard. Its my first time going to so many museum in one day. I don't mean that I didnt enjoy myself. I was so fasinated with the art works on display, like the portray of Sir Stamford Raffles which we always see on our History textbooks actually originated from here. Oh I even saw the art works from the Leonardo's "The Virgin of the Rocks"... it is just simply breathless to see it personally.
But one thing in London is that, everything here is so damn EXPENSIVE!!!
Like a tasteless sandwich and a cup of grape juice cost me $12...
Basically I went to Natural History Museum to see the prehistoric exhibition, then to Victoria & Albert Museum to see all the medieval statues and structures (So damn beautiful loh) and also "The Kylie Exhibition"... (YES! Kylie has an exhibition here n she is really popular as well), we got to see all her life's work and all her costumes n her concerts. So many gays inside... haha. Wat a Treat!!!
Martin was having a treat explaining each piece of art to me... He is very into such stuff...
For me, I loved the medieval art pieces and sculpture the best... they r so manificent...
Other than the museums, we also went to Harrods (beautiful building), the London Eye, Big Ben, London Tower, Leicester Square, Soho Square, Nelson's Column... and many more. After that, we had drinks and dinner at one of the gay district... its so fun... haha. All the lesbians and gays together. They are so nice and open abt it.
This trip wouldnt be so good if it hadnt be Martin so I really thank him.
I hope for more memorable trips to come but at times like now...
I miss Kev alot....
sign out.
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey~~ *HUGS*
I MISS U...please keep blogging...
n cya the next time..i think this week rite? when ya back.
At 3:00 PM,
Jon said…
Thanks... Will call u when back.
At 8:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Heh. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Happy to show you around. So where are the photos?
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