About Me
- Name: Jon
- Location: North, Singapore
Dear guys, I like to meet and interact with new friends. So if you are interested, feel free to drop me a mail and we can start from there... Anyway things you read from what is written isn't always the truth. People tend to alter a little to make them more appealing to others...
Previous Posts
- The one dedicated to PEE
- The one with Gillian's farewell!
- The one with my new-found sight
- The one with my LASIK...
- The one with my "Plastic" surgery
- The one with my Valentines' night out
- The one with my long-awaited Valentine.
- The one at HAPPY!
- The one with my Pre-Valentine Celebration
- The one with the little disappointment... :(
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
ahem, where's my (dedication)? haha
- gillian
At 7:48 AM,
Jon said…
i cant find anything embarassing about u in the pics leh... Hmm... I will try to get some ok... :)
By the way, add me to ur link leh pls...
At 9:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
i've never felt so glamorous ever before :D w my full name!!
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