
Sunday, February 26, 2006

The one with Gillian's farewell!

Yap, she left us again...

But this time will only be a short one as she will return in July.
There is a huge possibility that I would go up there to attend her graduation and mine as well.
So it would be so cool...

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We are trying to get Pee and Jac too... If they can.
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The gathering started off dinner at "Cream Bistro" with Dera, Pee, Kev and me.
The rests were so late loh...
It was suppose to be 8 people at 8pm but then we ended up with 4...
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By the time we finished eating at 9pm, Gillian and Michelle finally came.
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We then proceed to "Borders Bistro" to have a drink while continuing to wait for the rest.
An hour later, they came...

We chatted, gossipped, drank, ate, finally its time to part and at that moment,

Ashley finally decided to show...
Her female boss refused to let her leave her work...
I guess that the life of an auditor.

Anyway, we got to take a final group picture before we went our separate ways...

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sign out.


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