The one where i VOICE OUT!!
Its the CA for my students this week, i really pray they do well, if not, it will protray my teaching skills are... how do i say it "bad?" :(
Like what other teachers told me, as long as i give it all i can, i have nothing to feel ashame abt...
talking about dat...
Things r spreading ard abt my previous date with this guy, as many knw i was seeing someone but i NEVER agreed in a r/s.
Seeing doesnt mean "IN" a r/s. Its bcos i only knw him like 2mths? how can i knw a person with such a short period of time...
Yes! i do like him but dat doesnt mean we r attached...
anyhow... it seems that he is going ard trying to "Seduce" my friends into believing his crappy stories... Even all the way to PEE in Aus he wouldnt give her some peace!!!
Here is the lowdown which i found out recently when i met up with my friends...
Not only has he been calling them up inviting them to his bday, he even confide in one of them when apparently he was still so call HAVING A R/S with me... ok wait, let me define it more clearly, at that time of the call, HE had asked for a breakup with me a week ago and after since, he has been really sad n wanted me back by crying to my friends saying how i was so mean n stuff n blah blah blah "BUT" he didnt OPEN HIS GOLDEN MOUTH to tell me that he wanted me back. And after what i have been thru, i wouldnt want to continue with him anywaye bcos i cldnt take such psychological pain anymore.
So wat happen is that he went to tell everybody that i was being a jerk, bastard, asshole treating him this way when wat i did was just following wat he wanted, a breakup n i do have feelings too. i need time to adjust my feelings back n knowing that he wanted a break, i shd be protecting myself by locking my feelings up if u knw wat i mean. but then, according to him, i was very cold n totally less caring anymore... ppl who knws me knws what kind of a person i m, when he initiated the breakup again n again n again several times, i m always really hurt but then i thot to myself, how many times must i put myself into this. Since he is so "bo chap" abt the "r/s" then i shd just agree with him then n when i did, i bcame the JERK!!
COME ON!!! What the F**K!!!
He who hit me once infront of a friend when he is upset (YES!!! HE IS AN ABUSER!!! Even his EX told me so which happen to be my friend n he himself confess he is one),
He who was unfaithful to his "2" ExBFs whom one which he confess that his "BEST" Friend force him to have sex with him "TWICE"... COME ONE PPL, U actually believe in such ridiculous lies!!! The other was caught by my friends as he slept with someone i knw n he told me then he was still attached. And when confronted by his ex, he deny the whole thing even when there was once he was caught on IRC seeking "FUN", my friend even have the "HARD COPY LOG FILE" to prove it...Yes this manupilative bastard!!!
And most gays we pass by on the streets, he would tell me he dislike them... Why do u think so??? give it a thot... (i m already one of them)
okok getting back to the story... so one day when his HK friend came for a visit, he called a friend of mine telling her he is so so so upset.... Y??
bcos the HK friend REJECTED his advance towards him!!! Then my friend was like thinking "Arent u still with jon???"
Dear friends... if he is still so IN LOVE with me which he TOLD MY FRIENDS, how come suddenly out pop a HK friend, which he spend almost all his time with him when i wasnt with him at the time... AND this incident is so so familar long ago with his ex too, he claim he was on a break with his ex and so he went to sleep with my friend... oic... interesting.... mayb this is happening here. i have no prove thou, but what he told my friends with his mouth is prove enough to knw what kind of a person he is...
the sad issue here is that, mayb he has got to one of my friend n she has been with him mayb hearing his one-sided stories... i m just sadden by this and not anything else... bcos i do treasure this friendship with her...
part two coming up...
sign out.
Like what other teachers told me, as long as i give it all i can, i have nothing to feel ashame abt...
talking about dat...
Things r spreading ard abt my previous date with this guy, as many knw i was seeing someone but i NEVER agreed in a r/s.
Seeing doesnt mean "IN" a r/s. Its bcos i only knw him like 2mths? how can i knw a person with such a short period of time...
Yes! i do like him but dat doesnt mean we r attached...
anyhow... it seems that he is going ard trying to "Seduce" my friends into believing his crappy stories... Even all the way to PEE in Aus he wouldnt give her some peace!!!
Here is the lowdown which i found out recently when i met up with my friends...
Not only has he been calling them up inviting them to his bday, he even confide in one of them when apparently he was still so call HAVING A R/S with me... ok wait, let me define it more clearly, at that time of the call, HE had asked for a breakup with me a week ago and after since, he has been really sad n wanted me back by crying to my friends saying how i was so mean n stuff n blah blah blah "BUT" he didnt OPEN HIS GOLDEN MOUTH to tell me that he wanted me back. And after what i have been thru, i wouldnt want to continue with him anywaye bcos i cldnt take such psychological pain anymore.
So wat happen is that he went to tell everybody that i was being a jerk, bastard, asshole treating him this way when wat i did was just following wat he wanted, a breakup n i do have feelings too. i need time to adjust my feelings back n knowing that he wanted a break, i shd be protecting myself by locking my feelings up if u knw wat i mean. but then, according to him, i was very cold n totally less caring anymore... ppl who knws me knws what kind of a person i m, when he initiated the breakup again n again n again several times, i m always really hurt but then i thot to myself, how many times must i put myself into this. Since he is so "bo chap" abt the "r/s" then i shd just agree with him then n when i did, i bcame the JERK!!
COME ON!!! What the F**K!!!
He who hit me once infront of a friend when he is upset (YES!!! HE IS AN ABUSER!!! Even his EX told me so which happen to be my friend n he himself confess he is one),
He who was unfaithful to his "2" ExBFs whom one which he confess that his "BEST" Friend force him to have sex with him "TWICE"... COME ONE PPL, U actually believe in such ridiculous lies!!! The other was caught by my friends as he slept with someone i knw n he told me then he was still attached. And when confronted by his ex, he deny the whole thing even when there was once he was caught on IRC seeking "FUN", my friend even have the "HARD COPY LOG FILE" to prove it...Yes this manupilative bastard!!!
And most gays we pass by on the streets, he would tell me he dislike them... Why do u think so??? give it a thot... (i m already one of them)
okok getting back to the story... so one day when his HK friend came for a visit, he called a friend of mine telling her he is so so so upset.... Y??
bcos the HK friend REJECTED his advance towards him!!! Then my friend was like thinking "Arent u still with jon???"
Dear friends... if he is still so IN LOVE with me which he TOLD MY FRIENDS, how come suddenly out pop a HK friend, which he spend almost all his time with him when i wasnt with him at the time... AND this incident is so so familar long ago with his ex too, he claim he was on a break with his ex and so he went to sleep with my friend... oic... interesting.... mayb this is happening here. i have no prove thou, but what he told my friends with his mouth is prove enough to knw what kind of a person he is...
the sad issue here is that, mayb he has got to one of my friend n she has been with him mayb hearing his one-sided stories... i m just sadden by this and not anything else... bcos i do treasure this friendship with her...
part two coming up...
sign out.
At 3:00 AM,
GreenAddict said…
Dear Jon,
Don't be so affected. There are always 2 sides to a story and Truth always prevails k.
At the end of the day, as long as you are honest to yourself the the people around you, nothing else matters.
It's not worth it getting so upset.
Take care and have a nice day.
I shall catch you when I get back next week.
At 1:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh gosh!I totally agree with greenaddict! I was about to tell u all
anyway jon nona..dun be upset by all's not worth it..u know we will stand by u..=) n yes, like what she mentioned, as long as ya honest to urself n everyone around u..nothing else really matters!serious!
now make sure ur kids get good GRADES!
At 3:07 AM,
Jon said…
thanks jac n dera for ur understanding...
just that when ppl start spreading lies... it really affected me as i treasure my friends even more now as i realise the missing of a friend can really affected me more than my broken heart for someone else...
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
True friends will always be true to one another..and nth will break them aparT:)
So dun worry too much..just move on..anyway..i think "he"'s just a passing phase in ur life..
cya on thurs:)
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