The one with the divine “X”
Oh… My… God!
I am like, so… devastated.
This can’t be like happening to me.
Oh No! Its like so… Oh My God!!!
I just sounded like a dumb himbo blonde…
Wait a minute…
I was a dumb himbo blonde and I guess I will always be one.
It has finally came and gone.
I had finally finished watching the most ‘X’traordinary movie trilogy ever.
My all time favorite movie,
The Divine, the one and only, X MEN…

For those who haven’t watched the movie, DON’T WORRY, I am not going to spoil the fun for you. But I do need to tell you this… DON’T LEAVE THE CINEMA YET AFTER THE MOVIE, because after the credits have shown, there is a short segment hinting us there might be another sequel coming.
Throughout the movie, it was a roller coaster ride for me. Crying and laughing, sad and joyous. It tackles issues of discrimination which I believe all of us deal with everyday. Like what Singer the previous director intention. His intention was to bring everyone together living in peace, may it be gays or straight, black or white. That was why Ian decided to take on the mutant role as he wanted to represent the gay minority of the society. I am sure many would know now that Singer, the original director is gay as well.

As many ‘X’fans would have realised what is coming next in this movie. The resurrection of Jean Grey aka Phoenix and how Jean tries to recontrol herself before Dark Phoenix took over her finally. Although I am freakingly excited abt this movie, there were also the disappointments in the character build up of the movie. Several of the Xmen did not have a chance to showcase their talents and powers. It was such a shame especially during the last fight where the good versus the evil, there were so many of the evil characters but only a miserable few for the good, and most of the time, the main characters of the movie got to flex more actions then the rest. Partly due to the request for more time on the movie by Halle which director Brett later agreed. That was one of the biggest disappointment inthe movie.

Other characters which we loved didn’t manage to make it back to the screen like nightcrawler, gambit and even the sentinals which would could them US$1 million to make one by the way All these were wishful thinking. On the consolation , we got to experience new bloods like Shadowcat, Colossus, Angel, Beast for the good and Juggernaut, Callisto, Spike for the bad, and the much anticipated Iceman vs Pyro fight scene.
Many have been speculating whether would there be another sequel although I pray they would but I doubt 20th Century Fox would fork out anymore cash as “The Last Stand” was the most expensive production ever. But what was confirm would be the spin off of Hugh’s character, Wolverine. Sigh. I hated this character the most among all Xmen by the way. The other possible spin off would be Magneto with Xavier when they were younger. Maybe what happen is that they would introduce other characters within the spin off. You may never know and we fans can only pray…
or the Singaporean way…

May the X be with you...
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I am like, so… devastated.
This can’t be like happening to me.
Oh No! Its like so… Oh My God!!!
I just sounded like a dumb himbo blonde…
Wait a minute…
I was a dumb himbo blonde and I guess I will always be one.
It has finally came and gone.
I had finally finished watching the most ‘X’traordinary movie trilogy ever.
My all time favorite movie,
The Divine, the one and only, X MEN…

For those who haven’t watched the movie, DON’T WORRY, I am not going to spoil the fun for you. But I do need to tell you this… DON’T LEAVE THE CINEMA YET AFTER THE MOVIE, because after the credits have shown, there is a short segment hinting us there might be another sequel coming.
Throughout the movie, it was a roller coaster ride for me. Crying and laughing, sad and joyous. It tackles issues of discrimination which I believe all of us deal with everyday. Like what Singer the previous director intention. His intention was to bring everyone together living in peace, may it be gays or straight, black or white. That was why Ian decided to take on the mutant role as he wanted to represent the gay minority of the society. I am sure many would know now that Singer, the original director is gay as well.

As many ‘X’fans would have realised what is coming next in this movie. The resurrection of Jean Grey aka Phoenix and how Jean tries to recontrol herself before Dark Phoenix took over her finally. Although I am freakingly excited abt this movie, there were also the disappointments in the character build up of the movie. Several of the Xmen did not have a chance to showcase their talents and powers. It was such a shame especially during the last fight where the good versus the evil, there were so many of the evil characters but only a miserable few for the good, and most of the time, the main characters of the movie got to flex more actions then the rest. Partly due to the request for more time on the movie by Halle which director Brett later agreed. That was one of the biggest disappointment inthe movie.

Other characters which we loved didn’t manage to make it back to the screen like nightcrawler, gambit and even the sentinals which would could them US$1 million to make one by the way All these were wishful thinking. On the consolation , we got to experience new bloods like Shadowcat, Colossus, Angel, Beast for the good and Juggernaut, Callisto, Spike for the bad, and the much anticipated Iceman vs Pyro fight scene.
Many have been speculating whether would there be another sequel although I pray they would but I doubt 20th Century Fox would fork out anymore cash as “The Last Stand” was the most expensive production ever. But what was confirm would be the spin off of Hugh’s character, Wolverine. Sigh. I hated this character the most among all Xmen by the way. The other possible spin off would be Magneto with Xavier when they were younger. Maybe what happen is that they would introduce other characters within the spin off. You may never know and we fans can only pray…
or the Singaporean way…

May the X be with you...
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